package gofakeit import ( "math" "math/rand" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" ) // CurrencyInfo is a struct of currency information type CurrencyInfo struct { Short string `json:"short" xml:"short"` Long string `json:"long" xml:"long"` } // Currency will generate a struct with random currency information func Currency() *CurrencyInfo { return currency(globalFaker.Rand) } // Currency will generate a struct with random currency information func (f *Faker) Currency() *CurrencyInfo { return currency(f.Rand) } func currency(r *rand.Rand) *CurrencyInfo { index := r.Intn(len(data.Data["currency"]["short"])) return &CurrencyInfo{ Short: data.Data["currency"]["short"][index], Long: data.Data["currency"]["long"][index], } } // CurrencyShort will generate a random short currency value func CurrencyShort() string { return currencyShort(globalFaker.Rand) } // CurrencyShort will generate a random short currency value func (f *Faker) CurrencyShort() string { return currencyShort(f.Rand) } func currencyShort(r *rand.Rand) string { return getRandValue(r, []string{"currency", "short"}) } // CurrencyLong will generate a random long currency name func CurrencyLong() string { return currencyLong(globalFaker.Rand) } // CurrencyLong will generate a random long currency name func (f *Faker) CurrencyLong() string { return currencyLong(f.Rand) } func currencyLong(r *rand.Rand) string { return getRandValue(r, []string{"currency", "long"}) } // Price will take in a min and max value and return a formatted price func Price(min, max float64) float64 { return price(globalFaker.Rand, min, max) } // Price will take in a min and max value and return a formatted price func (f *Faker) Price(min, max float64) float64 { return price(f.Rand, min, max) } func price(r *rand.Rand, min, max float64) float64 { return math.Floor(float64Range(r, min, max)*100) / 100 } // CreditCardInfo is a struct containing credit variables type CreditCardInfo struct { Type string `json:"type" xml:"type"` Number string `json:"number" xml:"number"` Exp string `json:"exp" xml:"exp"` Cvv string `json:"cvv" xml:"cvv"` } // CreditCard will generate a struct full of credit card information func CreditCard() *CreditCardInfo { return creditCard(globalFaker.Rand) } // CreditCard will generate a struct full of credit card information func (f *Faker) CreditCard() *CreditCardInfo { return creditCard(f.Rand) } func creditCard(r *rand.Rand) *CreditCardInfo { ccType := randomString(r, data.CreditCardTypes) return &CreditCardInfo{ Type: data.CreditCards[randomString(r, data.CreditCardTypes)].Display, Number: creditCardNumber(r, &CreditCardOptions{Types: []string{ccType}}), Exp: creditCardExp(r), Cvv: generate(r, strings.Repeat("#", int(data.CreditCards[randomString(r, data.CreditCardTypes)].Code.Size))), } } // CreditCardType will generate a random credit card type string func CreditCardType() string { return creditCardType(globalFaker.Rand) } // CreditCardType will generate a random credit card type string func (f *Faker) CreditCardType() string { return creditCardType(f.Rand) } func creditCardType(r *rand.Rand) string { return data.CreditCards[randomString(r, data.CreditCardTypes)].Display } // CreditCardOptions is the options for credit card number type CreditCardOptions struct { Types []string `json:"types"` Bins []string `json:"bins"` // optional parameter of prepended numbers Gaps bool `json:"gaps"` } // CreditCardNumber will generate a random luhn credit card number func CreditCardNumber(cco *CreditCardOptions) string { return creditCardNumber(globalFaker.Rand, cco) } // CreditCardNumber will generate a random luhn credit card number func (f *Faker) CreditCardNumber(cco *CreditCardOptions) string { return creditCardNumber(f.Rand, cco) } func creditCardNumber(r *rand.Rand, cco *CreditCardOptions) string { if cco == nil { cco = &CreditCardOptions{} } if cco.Types == nil || len(cco.Types) == 0 { cco.Types = data.CreditCardTypes } ccType := randomString(r, cco.Types) // Get Card info var cardInfo data.CreditCardInfo if info, ok := data.CreditCards[ccType]; ok { cardInfo = info } else { ccType = randomString(r, data.CreditCardTypes) cardInfo = data.CreditCards[ccType] } // Get length and pattern length := randomUint(r, cardInfo.Lengths) numStr := "" if len(cco.Bins) >= 1 { numStr = randomString(r, cco.Bins) } else { numStr = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(randomUint(r, cardInfo.Patterns)), 10) } numStr += strings.Repeat("#", int(length)-len(numStr)) numStr = numerify(r, numStr) ui, _ := strconv.ParseUint(numStr, 10, 64) // Loop through until its a valid luhn for { valid := isLuhn(strconv.FormatUint(ui, 10)) if valid { break } ui++ } numStr = strconv.FormatUint(ui, 10) // Add gaps to number if cco.Gaps { for i, spot := range cardInfo.Gaps { numStr = numStr[:(int(spot)+i)] + " " + numStr[(int(spot)+i):] } } return numStr } // CreditCardExp will generate a random credit card expiration date string // Exp date will always be a future date func CreditCardExp() string { return creditCardExp(globalFaker.Rand) } // CreditCardExp will generate a random credit card expiration date string // Exp date will always be a future date func (f *Faker) CreditCardExp() string { return creditCardExp(f.Rand) } func creditCardExp(r *rand.Rand) string { month := strconv.Itoa(randIntRange(r, 1, 12)) if len(month) == 1 { month = "0" + month } var currentYear = time.Now().Year() - 2000 return month + "/" + strconv.Itoa(randIntRange(r, currentYear+1, currentYear+10)) } // CreditCardCvv will generate a random CVV number // Its a string because you could have 017 as an exp date func CreditCardCvv() string { return creditCardCvv(globalFaker.Rand) } // CreditCardCvv will generate a random CVV number // Its a string because you could have 017 as an exp date func (f *Faker) CreditCardCvv() string { return creditCardCvv(f.Rand) } func creditCardCvv(r *rand.Rand) string { return numerify(r, "###") } // isLuhn check is used for checking if credit card is a valid luhn card func isLuhn(s string) bool { var t = [...]int{0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9} odd := len(s) & 1 var sum int for i, c := range s { if c < '0' || c > '9' { return false } if i&1 == odd { sum += t[c-'0'] } else { sum += int(c - '0') } } return sum%10 == 0 } // AchRouting will generate a 9 digit routing number func AchRouting() string { return achRouting(globalFaker.Rand) } // AchRouting will generate a 9 digit routing number func (f *Faker) AchRouting() string { return achRouting(f.Rand) } func achRouting(r *rand.Rand) string { return numerify(r, "#########") } // AchAccount will generate a 12 digit account number func AchAccount() string { return achAccount(globalFaker.Rand) } // AchAccount will generate a 12 digit account number func (f *Faker) AchAccount() string { return achAccount(f.Rand) } func achAccount(r *rand.Rand) string { return numerify(r, "############") } // BitcoinAddress will generate a random bitcoin address consisting of numbers, upper and lower characters func BitcoinAddress() string { return bitcoinAddress(globalFaker.Rand) } // BitcoinAddress will generate a random bitcoin address consisting of numbers, upper and lower characters func (f *Faker) BitcoinAddress() string { return bitcoinAddress(f.Rand) } func bitcoinAddress(r *rand.Rand) string { return randomString(r, []string{"1", "3"}) + password(r, true, true, true, false, false, number(r, 25, 34)) } // BitcoinPrivateKey will generate a random bitcoin private key base58 consisting of numbers, upper and lower characters func BitcoinPrivateKey() string { return bitcoinPrivateKey(globalFaker.Rand) } // BitcoinPrivateKey will generate a random bitcoin private key base58 consisting of numbers, upper and lower characters func (f *Faker) BitcoinPrivateKey() string { return bitcoinPrivateKey(f.Rand) } func bitcoinPrivateKey(r *rand.Rand) string { var b strings.Builder for i := 0; i < 49; i++ { b.WriteString(randCharacter(r, base58)) } return "5" + randomString(r, []string{"H", "J", "K"}) + b.String() } func addPaymentLookup() { AddFuncLookup("currency", Info{ Display: "Currency", Category: "payment", Description: "Medium of exchange, often in the form of paper money or coins, used for trade and transactions", Example: `{ "short": "IQD", "long": "Iraq Dinar" }`, Output: "map[string]string", ContentType: "application/json", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return currency(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("currencyshort", Info{ Display: "Currency Short", Category: "payment", Description: "Short 3-letter word used to represent a specific currency", Example: "USD", Output: "string", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return currencyShort(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("currencylong", Info{ Display: "Currency Long", Category: "payment", Description: "Complete name of a specific currency used for official identification in financial transactions", Example: "United States Dollar", Output: "string", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return currencyLong(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("price", Info{ Display: "Price", Category: "payment", Description: "The amount of money or value assigned to a product, service, or asset in a transaction", Example: "92.26", Output: "float64", Params: []Param{ {Field: "min", Display: "Min", Type: "float", Default: "0", Description: "Minimum price value"}, {Field: "max", Display: "Max", Type: "float", Default: "1000", Description: "Maximum price value"}, }, Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { min, err := info.GetFloat64(m, "min") if err != nil { return nil, err } max, err := info.GetFloat64(m, "max") if err != nil { return nil, err } return price(r, min, max), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("creditcard", Info{ Display: "Credit Card", Category: "payment", Description: "Plastic card allowing users to make purchases on credit, with payment due at a later date", Example: `{ "type": "UnionPay", "number": "4364599489953698", "exp": "02/24", "cvv": "300" }`, Output: "map[string]any", ContentType: "application/json", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return creditCard(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("creditcardtype", Info{ Display: "Credit Card Type", Category: "payment", Description: "Classification of credit cards based on the issuing company", Example: "Visa", Output: "string", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return creditCardType(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("creditcardnumber", Info{ Display: "Credit Card Number", Category: "payment", Description: "Unique numerical identifier on a credit card used for making electronic payments and transactions", Example: "4136459948995369", Output: "string", Params: []Param{ { Field: "types", Display: "Types", Type: "[]string", Default: "all", Options: []string{"visa", "mastercard", "american-express", "diners-club", "discover", "jcb", "unionpay", "maestro", "elo", "hiper", "hipercard"}, Description: "A select number of types you want to use when generating a credit card number", }, {Field: "bins", Display: "Bins", Type: "[]string", Optional: true, Description: "Optional list of prepended bin numbers to pick from"}, {Field: "gaps", Display: "Gaps", Type: "bool", Default: "false", Description: "Whether or not to have gaps in number"}, }, Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { types, err := info.GetStringArray(m, "types") if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(types) == 1 && types[0] == "all" { types = []string{} } bins, _ := info.GetStringArray(m, "bins") gaps, err := info.GetBool(m, "gaps") if err != nil { return nil, err } options := CreditCardOptions{ Types: types, Gaps: gaps, } if len(bins) >= 1 { options.Bins = bins } return creditCardNumber(r, &options), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("creditcardexp", Info{ Display: "Credit Card Exp", Category: "payment", Description: "Date when a credit card becomes invalid and cannot be used for transactions", Example: "01/21", Output: "string", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return creditCardExp(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("creditcardcvv", Info{ Display: "Credit Card CVV", Category: "payment", Description: "Three or four-digit security code on a credit card used for online and remote transactions", Example: "513", Output: "string", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return creditCardCvv(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("achrouting", Info{ Display: "ACH Routing Number", Category: "payment", Description: "Unique nine-digit code used in the U.S. for identifying the bank and processing electronic transactions", Example: "513715684", Output: "string", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return achRouting(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("achaccount", Info{ Display: "ACH Account Number", Category: "payment", Description: "A bank account number used for Automated Clearing House transactions and electronic transfers", Example: "491527954328", Output: "string", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return achAccount(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("bitcoinaddress", Info{ Display: "Bitcoin Address", Category: "payment", Description: "Cryptographic identifier used to receive, store, and send Bitcoin cryptocurrency in a peer-to-peer network", Example: "1lWLbxojXq6BqWX7X60VkcDIvYA", Output: "string", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return bitcoinAddress(r), nil }, }) AddFuncLookup("bitcoinprivatekey", Info{ Display: "Bitcoin Private Key", Category: "payment", Description: "Secret, secure code that allows the owner to access and control their Bitcoin holdings", Example: "5vrbXTADWJ6sQBSYd6lLkG97jljNc0X9VPBvbVqsIH9lWOLcoqg", Output: "string", Generate: func(r *rand.Rand, m *MapParams, info *Info) (any, error) { return bitcoinPrivateKey(r), nil }, }) }