linters-settings: gocritic: disabled-checks: - ifElseChain goimports: local-prefixes: govet: enable-all: true disable: - fieldalignment depguard: list-type: blacklist include-go-root: true include-go-std-lib: true exhaustive: default-signifies-exhaustive: true nolintlint: allow-unused: false allow-leading-space: false allow-no-explanation: - depguard require-explanation: true require-specific: true revive: enable-all-rules: false rules: - name: atomic - name: blank-imports - name: bool-literal-in-expr - name: call-to-gc - name: constant-logical-expr - name: context-as-argument - name: context-keys-type - name: dot-imports - name: duplicated-imports - name: empty-block - name: empty-lines - name: error-naming - name: error-return - name: error-strings - name: errorf - name: exported - name: identical-branches - name: imports-blacklist - name: increment-decrement - name: indent-error-flow - name: modifies-parameter - name: modifies-value-receiver - name: package-comments - name: range - name: range-val-address - name: range-val-in-closure - name: receiver-naming - name: string-format - name: string-of-int - name: struct-tag - name: time-naming - name: unconditional-recursion - name: unexported-naming - name: unexported-return - name: superfluous-else - name: unreachable-code - name: var-declaration - name: waitgroup-by-value - name: unused-receiver - name: unnecessary-stmt - name: unused-parameter run: tests: true timeout: 1m linters: disable-all: true enable: - asciicheck - depguard - errcheck - exhaustive - gocritic - gofmt - gofumpt - goimports - govet - ineffassign - nolintlint - revive - staticcheck - typecheck - unused - whitespace - errorlint - gosimple - unparam issues: exclude: - 'declaration of "err" shadows declaration at' # Allow shadowing of `err` because it's so common - 'error-strings: error strings should not be capitalized or end with punctuation or a newline' max-same-issues: 10000 max-issues-per-linter: 10000