// Copyright 2016 Qiang Xue. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package validation

type stringValidator func(string) bool

// StringRule is a rule that checks a string variable using a specified stringValidator.
type StringRule struct {
	validate stringValidator
	err      Error

// NewStringRule creates a new validation rule using a function that takes a string value and returns a bool.
// The rule returned will use the function to check if a given string or byte slice is valid or not.
// An empty value is considered to be valid. Please use the Required rule to make sure a value is not empty.
func NewStringRule(validator stringValidator, message string) StringRule {
	return StringRule{
		validate: validator,
		err:      NewError("", message),

// NewStringRuleWithError creates a new validation rule using a function that takes a string value and returns a bool.
// The rule returned will use the function to check if a given string or byte slice is valid or not.
// An empty value is considered to be valid. Please use the Required rule to make sure a value is not empty.
func NewStringRuleWithError(validator stringValidator, err Error) StringRule {
	return StringRule{
		validate: validator,
		err:      err,

// Error sets the error message for the rule.
func (r StringRule) Error(message string) StringRule {
	r.err = r.err.SetMessage(message)
	return r

// ErrorObject sets the error struct for the rule.
func (r StringRule) ErrorObject(err Error) StringRule {
	r.err = err
	return r

// Validate checks if the given value is valid or not.
func (r StringRule) Validate(value interface{}) error {
	value, isNil := Indirect(value)
	if isNil || IsEmpty(value) {
		return nil

	str, err := EnsureString(value)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if r.validate(str) {
		return nil

	return r.err