package data

var Books = map[string][]string{
	"title": {
		"Anna Karenina",
		"Crime and Punishment",
		"Don Quijote De La Mancha",
		"Fairy tales",
		"Gulliver's Travels",
		"Gypsy Ballads",
		"Harry potter and the sorcerer's stone",
		"King Lear",
		"Leaves of Grass",
		"Madame Bovary",
		"Memoirs of Hadrian",
		"Moby Dick",
		"Nineteen Eighty-Four",
		"Oedipus the King",
		"One Hundred Years of Solitude",
		"One Thousand and One Nights",
		"Pippi Longstocking",
		"Pride and Prejudice",
		"Romeo & Juliet",
		"Sherlock Holmes",
		"Sons and Lovers",
		"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn",
		"The Book Of Job",
		"The Brothers Karamazov",
		"The Golden Notebook",
		"The Idiot",
		"The Old Man and the Sea",
		"The Stranger",
		"Things Fall Apart",
		"War and Peace",
		"Wuthering Heights",
		"Zorba the Greek",
	"author": {
		"Albert Camus",
		"Astrid Lindgren",
		"Charles Dickens",
		"D. H. Lawrence",
		"Edgar Allan Poe",
		"Emily Brontë",
		"Ernest Hemingway",
		"Franz Kafka",
		"Fyodor Dostoevsky",
		"George Orwell",
		"Hans Christian Andersen",
		"James Joyce",
		"Jane Austen",
		"Johann Wolfgang von Goethe",
		"Jorge Luis Borges",
		"Joanne K. Rowling",
		"Leo Tolstoy",
		"Marcel Proust",
		"Mark Twain",
		"Paul Celan",
		"Salman Rushdie",
		"Thomas Mann",
		"Toni Morrison",
		"Vladimir Nabokov",
		"William Faulkner",
		"William Shakespeare",
		"Yasunari Kawabata",
	"genre": {